
What 'The Hell' ka

Tarun, an alchemist in search of Ignis-Aqua
Wrote books, edited a zine called Tehelka
At Goa he hosted the Thinkfest
Unleashed the beast within: a sex pest
When pilloried, he said the banter was 'halka'.


A biped and two centipedes

A man once peed on a clump of weeds
and out came a pair of centipedes
Not used to hot showers on sultry days
They cursed all bipeds for their deeds
And bit him for washing away their seeds.

Inspired by Rad Maythil's verse on centipede as a comma-legged grammarian.



The smug Mallu boy was rather coy
His fans he found quite easy to annoy
With a smirk and a bit of 'out'spoken English.
After Aiyya the hoi polloi said: what a dish
Shirtless and Salmannish, a new Item Boy.

The deft dance moves of Prithviraj in the eye-popping Aiyya item song has impressed a lot of people.