Now that it's time to bid adieu, Mush, Pak is neck deep in Islamist slush; However (quote) lovable and cute (unquote) The fact remains: you're a despot So long & thanks for all the fish.
The news came as a bolt from blue The dead Dodo has caught a flu! Our pride in sports has been resoled Bindra has won us an Olympic gold But how he did it, we've no clue!
Dear chronichler of the red Gulag, Who opened for us the tyranny's bag Let me say this: Solshenitsyn, Surveyor of heart's chamber of sin We are yet to learn how to defy a gag.
This one is takes off on Old Macdonald had a farm:
Old Som's gonna miss his home, (chorus: E-I-E-I-O) The fights with MPs, money syndrome. (chorus: E-I-E-I-O) Speaker Sir's our card holding joker: The Left's concerned, not a ringmaster! (chorus: E-I-E-I-O) If spine's fine, can't Som wither a storm.
There was an old Man in a turban Who kept saying: I'm no dead man. The Karat may have turned a stick But look, my skin's no less thick, Beat around, Bush'll save the N-plan.